Section 1 - General Information Your school Your name Your mobile Your email Your rugby qualifications? Names & qualification of other school rugby coaches? Section 2 - Rugby Delivery Schedule Class time rugby Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11+ OOSH rugby Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11+ Is the rugby on a par with other sports at your school? YESNO Section 3 - Playing Rugby What type of 'fixtures' does your school participate in? FestivalsYorkshire CSU CupFriendliesRFU Competitions Is there a potential for growth of rugby union within your school? YESNO If YES, are you interested in find out more about any of the following? Rugby SevensXRugbyThe Touch UnionInner Warrior Section 4 - Club Links Does your school have a recognised school/community club link? YESNO If YES, which club/s? Who is your main contact at the club? What support do you receive from the club? Thank you for taking time to complete this information. Share This Twitter Facebook LinkedIn