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We believe that Physical Education, School Sport and Physical activity (PESSPA) should be at the heart of every school. There is clear evidence that it benefits physical health, social and emotional wellbeing, academic performance, behaviour and much more to improve all children in a holistic way.


Primary teachers often report having a lack of confidence in their own subject knowledge and believe that their own abilities do not allow them to deliver good lessons.
With one one quarter of schools reporting that their PE lessons are good, even fewer teachers are having confidence in their own teaching ability and this leads to demotivation towards a subject that is so important for children to ensure they continually develop their own mental, physical, and social wellbeing.

Our Primary P.E. CPD programme has been developed by our team have professionals with the aim of improving staff confidence in as little as 6 weeks. Enabling teachers to feel empowered and confident to teach high quality PE consistently and allow their class and themselves to reach their true potential.
It is our aim to improve the subject knowledge, confidence and work-load of the teachers which we work with.

Our Programme –

Our programme is in 3 parts, all of which are active, engaging and teacher centred to allow them to take control of their own learning journey, through goal setting, action planning and evaluation.

By being able to observe high quality P.E. and sports delivery from our sports specific ‘coach’ teachers can use their own high quality learning abilities to be able to identify elements in which they can use to help achieve their own goals and objectives that they can work towards with our ‘mentors.’

Team-teaching –

Through this part the teacher and ‘White Rose Mentor’ will work with the teacher to plan, teach, and evaluate their sessions. The discussions involved here allow the teacher to dig deeper and gain a greater understanding of the process required to plan and deliver high quality P.E and sport sessions at the same time as broadening their own subject knowledge.

Teacher led sessions –

the final part of the learning journey occurs when the teacher feels comfortable and confident enough to plan and deliver their own session with the Mentor being able to provide feedback and coach them through the final stages.

The ongoing support-

Upon completion of the CPD coaching programme the mentor provides ongoing flexible support to the teacher(s) to ensure their learning journey doesn’t stop and ensure the teacher remains highly confident in their own abilities to teach high quality P.E. and sport sessions.


Do you want to find out more about our primary P.E CPD delivery?

Please contact us to find out more. Our team would love to hear from you about any questions or interest you may have.

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