Westville asked us to deliver sessions to 3 different age groups all with massively different…

Sports camp success
Over the Easter holiday we ran again our Multi-sports camps at Baildon RUFC. The aim of these sports camps were to provide fun, safe and engaging learning opportunities for children across a range of sports and including nutritional workshops and education for all attendees. We were fortunate enough to receive funding from Bradford Council to provide 25 free places for children eligible for free school meals. This was provided by Bradford council but funded by the DfE.
The camps ran for 5 hours a day and included provision of hot meals for the camp attendees and we received lots of brilliant reviews. Terri-leigh, 7, told us “It is the best food I have ever eaten and gives me lots of energy for all the sports.” The nutritional education allowed the children to understand what a ‘balanced lifestyle’ looks like and why it is important to ensure we eat the right things. Cassius, 9, explains “I now understand when I am planning a healthy meal that I need to include different things from the food groups to make sure I give myself the right things to help me stay healthy.”
“It is the best food I have ever eaten and gives me lots of energy for all the sports.”
As always the sports were well received with over 30 children attending each day of the camp, it was fantastic to see such a variety of children all using their core values to help themselves and other children improve. Milly, 9, says that her 2 weeks were “Amazing, and cricket was her favourite sport that she tried having never before!” While Noah, 7, who plays rugby for Baildon said “Rugby was my favourite sport because I already play it so I could help other people get better as well!”
“I now understand when I am planning a healthy meal that I need to include different things from the food groups to make sure I give myself the right things to help me stay healthy.”
It wasn’t just the children that had an amazing 2 weeks coach Isaac explained “I have loved being able to watch the children interact and develop through all activities we have done whilst having lots of fun!” A local resident also came in to let us know how she found having the camps near by her house “It has been lovely to have my windows open for the last 2 weeks and being able to hear the young people laughing, having fun and enjoying the outdoors.”