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Primary Sports Leaders
Our Primary Sports Leaders delivery is our own bespoke delivery leading to the certification of the Primary Leaders License from Sports Leaders UK.

Primary Sports Leaders

Our Primary Sports Leaders delivery is our own bespoke delivery leading to the certification of the Primary Leaders License from Sports Leaders UK.

Leadership is something that is often overlooked when it comes to children’s education, we at White Rose believe that leadership should be encouraged and harnessed to allow children to thrive in differing scenarios.

Our programme is designed to develop the whole child, pupils will progress on a practical, challenging, and progressive learning journey developing their skills and their knowledge through practice, this will build resilience, confidence, teamwork, problem solving, communication and self-awareness skills. All skills and behaviours will be developed through leading activities to their class and even the wider school setting.

Providing the opportunity for students to take part in a leadership programme can assist in evidencing the effective use of the PE and School Sport Premium as recommended by Ofsted: “… developing young sports leaders in Key Stage 2 as examples of effective use of PE and Sports Premium”

As part of our programme your school can choose whether they would like their young leaders to become playground play leaders, organise and run a sports day or even get them to do both. Upon completion of our programme your school will receive membership to the Sports Leaders UK ‘Energy Club’, a comprehensive package of activities and games that the young leaders can run for other children in your school.


Do you want to find out more about our primary sports leaders delivery?

Please contact us to find out more. Our team would love to hear from you about any questions or interest you may have.

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