Over the Easter holiday we ran again our Multi-sports camps at Baildon RUFC. The aim…

Rodillian Multi-Academy Trust – White Rose Introduction to Leadership Course Delivery
Across the Rodillian Multi-Academy Trust, there is 3 periods a week set aside for Applied Resilience, this is where all children are given the opportunity to develop skills and behaviours to support there development through life. The intention of our Sports Leadership delivery has been to work with a group of Year 8’s and Year 9’s from each school to introduce and then deepen the 5 key skills of leadership and provide the opportunity for the young people to develop themselves as leaders in an educational world where leadership opportunities are reducing. The intent for these opportunities was to provide regular chances in class time to lead their peers but also lead sporting festivals and activities for the local primary schools.
Over the course of the year, our Sports Leadership Coaches, Tom Parnell and Jake Duxbury have been leading the programmes into Brayton Academy, Tom Willson has been leading the programme at BBG, Sam Shepherd and Ben Greaves have lead the Featherstone Academy programme and Ben and Will Sismey have been leading the programme at Rodillian Academy. The consistency of these deliverers has meant that the coaches have been able to adapt the core scheme of learning that our Education Lead Jake Duxbury has developed to provide the best possible lessons and learning opportunities for the young people in each group specifically. Our challenging and progressive scheme has allowed the young leaders to take control of their own learning through self and peer evaluations and own action plans. The teachers and children alike have spoken highly of the programme and the plans are in place for this programme to grow further for the next academic year.
Impact: From the teachers and students themselves.
Alice, a Year 9 Sports Leader from Brayton Academy told us “The programme has been helpful, it has taught me how I can really develop my leadership. I thought that I was already a good leader but since starting the course I have really worked on using all my types of communication to be a better leader and has allowed me to be aware of how to control my self-belief to be the best possible Netball player and leader!”
Lola, a Year 9 leader explained the impact that this course has had on her “I was really nervous when we started because I don’t like talking to people but now I have lead sessions to my friends and local primary school children, having the confidence and ability to plan sessions and then lead them has been amazing!”
Saira Luffman, Principle, BBG Academy.
“White Rose have delivered the initial 2 levels of their sports leaders as part of our Resilience curriculum and it’s like having extra teachers at a reduced cost, the students learn and improve week on week developing into true Sports Leaders demonstrating all the key skills and improving as young people too!”
James Howard, Head of PE at Brayton Academy.
“Sports Leadership provided by White Rose has developed our students’ self-belief and problem-solving skills and provided opportunities to succeed in sport in more ways than just competing and taking part. This has enhanced our departments offer without adding to our workload as teachers.”