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State of Mind

The State of Mind programme was established in 2011 with the aim of improving the mental health, wellbeing and working life of rugby league players and communities. Since then The State of Mind programme has expanded and began working with Companies, Rugby Union, Schools and colleges and many more.

Last night our coaching team attended a fantastic State of Mind presentation at Baildon RUFC. The presentation was delivered amazingly by Jimmy Gittens and Ian Smith, who have helped our coaches become more aware of mental health for themselves and others. The programme is aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues within sport. They focus on key points such as injuries, bullying, confidence and other areas that may affect our mental health and wellbeing but it is all about the ability to talk when you need help.

We strongly recommend this programme and believe it will help you and others in some way. To view more about the course please click here.

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